For my friend Julie / by Bridgit Lee

I want to share some of the experiences I had in the making of my goddesses for the 100 Goddess Project. I have found a different experience in the making of each one, can you imagine how fun that can be?

I made this with a certain person in mind and she is a spit fire! Coming from me that is a crazy good compliment, I was so inspired by a recent visit with her and could not stop the need to work from that feeling. I get super excited making goddesses and it fills me up somewhere inside every time I get to make one for someone I know!

I get to bring my friendship into it, the things I know or remember about them become inspiration for the flow of the piece. My friend Julie has this really powerful energy and it is bright. We have done some really fun things together, we have stories I am happy to look back on. I have always considered her a brave warrior and so beautiful.

I got a call one day sometime after I had delivered this piece and she left a really excited message about wanting to talk to me. She had this moment while looking at this piece and realized the location of the line I had drawn was the same location as the blood vein used to save her life while fighting Breast Cancer. I was vibrating as I listened to her explain how it made her feel. I can’t ask for much more than that!

What came up for me was that I remember thinking how strange it was that I was painting this line down her. I had a moment where I thought I wasn’t in the right place and should put it down and glaze it later. But I had already not been happy with this piece after the fire, her chest was con-caved a little and I just thought maybe I would begin a new one. So I put her in the NO-GO pile for a few months, it was a desire to glaze with my friend Cynthia that had me looking for something to work on. We really enjoy sitting at my grandmothers table and working together, there is a magic that happens for us there. I won’t be able to easily explain it, but I can share that this table is my favorite possession!

I went directly to the pile and pulled her out and did this to her! The colored ones get a top coat after you paint all the colors, so by the time I fired it I didn’t remember exactly what I ended up doing. When Julie and I spoke I remembered as I pulled her from the pile that day thinking I was bringing her back to life by pulling her from the NO-GO pile.

This piece taught me a new kind of freedom, more than ever before and I am so grateful that she was so perfect for my friend. She is what I would call groovy, just like my friend!
