About the Artist

The daughter of an art teacher, Bridgit was born and raised in the rolling hills of Petaluma, California. She fondly remembers being pulled from school to accompany her mother to art and museum openings on a regular basis. From a young age, Bridgit has always enjoyed being creative—with an artistic eye, she sees the beauty and possibility in most everything.

Her medium of choice has evolved, from sewing and denim creations to mixed medium art. Currently Bridgit primarily works with low fire clay.


“I build for light, I reach into my clay bag to create light for myself and others. I actually feel better when I take the time to appreciate the presence of the goddess. It’s a gift, this creative vein of mine, my guardian angel led me this way for that I am sure. Thank you Ether! I feel the goddess, I experience the sensation of her power as I build. I know this light lives in me, the project lead me back to my own light.”

-Bridgit Lee