About this heart / by Bridgit Lee

Our hearts rule us all, if you have not learned that yet it’s OK. Our hearts run our world, be kind to your heart and all others around you.


This ones heart does for others without any struggle. I have seen her exposed, I have seen her high and I have seen her low. She is filled with that magical thing sometimes only found in women! Maybe I sound pompous, but these are some of the things that matter most to me. I have this really funny way of solving a moment in my head, even if it is not my moment. Compassionate hearts, what I seek is to understand you and this one does the same.

I have watched her unfold her heart right in front of me, I have felt her encompass those around her simply by listening. So know it is part of her gift, she tells others in her kind steps in the world that she cares deep from within. Ah, this one, to be asked to partake in gifting her love and light. I am part of a gift in this creation, I feel like the tool in which I get to help create the message of gratitude to her from another.

Love does things this way, it reaches out and around light and dark spaces to generate moments that stay with us. Moments that imprint on us the message that we are loved and cared for. This moment creates a circle in which all light and love live! Thank you